Why is it that some other mothers feel the need to tell you how to parent your children?
I am all for asking for help and asking for others opinions. This is not what I mean though. I enjoy researching things about babies and parenthood in general. I like to go onto the discussion boards especially and read about what other mothers are concerned about and talking about. I have run across this problem myself when asking for opinions but, more so when just reading through others posts. There seems to be several types of mothers (and fathers) out there but, the one I'm talking about is the "This is how I do it so it's the only way that's right." This type of person seems to feel that if you are not doing things the way they would then you are in "fact" doing it wrong. I know someone who has this type of personality and we indeed clash quite often.
Here is an example: A new mother had posted a question asking what types of juice she could give her 9 month old. The first few people either said to give a diluted type and some of them said that there was no need yet but, were in no way rude about it. Then there was one poster who told the woman that giving her child juice was a disgusting choice because it would rot her baby's teeth and they would fall out. Seriously!?
The woman then rebuted stating that her pedi told her that it was okay to give juice and she was just looking for options as to what type. In response the same poster said that she needed to get a new pediatrician and that her doctor was "wack." LOL! That giving a child juice and even solids was stupid to do until they are ready. Again the woman came back and said that her child had been on solids since 6 months, that it was going just fine and that she didn't see any reason it was such a horrible idea to give juice to her baby. It was then stated that a child shouldn't get juice because it will make them fat and lazy, that her child hadn't even really eaten solids until 13 months because they would gag on it.
This is exactly what I am talking about. Why do some people feel the need to push their opinions on others. They are just that OPINIONS! Half the time these types of people tend to give their opinions whether they were asked or not. I cannot stand this and it amazes me everytime how rude some people can be when it comes to other peoples children. You are being asked for your opinion, not being asked to push your beliefs and be rude. I feel for some of the younger mothers out there that have to endure this all the time.
My advice to any new mom or mom-to-be....ask for advice, listen to it, take it all with a grain of salt and do what feels right to you. In the end of it all that is truely all that matters.
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