Since my son was born in June last year he was too little to "play" outside. Here the weather has been warming up and feeling more and more like spring. Today I decide to take the monster out to play in the yard for the first time...
First off we just moved due to some very unfortunate circumstances and basically our own stupidity for believing a large coorporate bank would want to help us...even though they said they would. A very unfortunate event indeed but, I digress...and this is a story for a later date.
Our "yard" is shared by us and a house that is in front of ours. This yard has a concrete path that runs directly through the middle of it, reducing it's postage stamp size to well...half. There are also about 5 large rose bushes randomly placed throughout the yard with little white wire fences around them. So, I take my monster outside to "play"....I set him down in the grass and he starts playing with the weeds and such. Pulling and grabbing. Then I happen to focus a little better on the ground. Cigarette butts....everywhere.....UGH!!! I grab up the monster and proceed to try and kick them with my feet into a pile to be swept up later. Hundreds of cigarette butts! Whoever had lived here before had a serious problem. Now I'm not trying to be a hypocrite by any means. I used to smoke cigarettes and did until the day I learned I was pregnant. I have not smoked since and am very proud of this. I however would place my butts in an ashtray and not just fling them into the yard. My husband still smokes, much to my dismay but, he smokes outside away from our son and puts the butts in an ashtray that we set out for that purpose. Well...I am off on a rant now....back to the topic. When we first looked at this rental property we were told so many things would be done before we moved in. Including that the yard would be raked of all cigarette butts. This along with everthing else was a lie. So, I am making the best out of a bad situation and trying my best to find somewhere that is suitable for a family. Terrible...I don't expect much just a little honesty and cleanliness.
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