Well, it's been quite a while since I posted anything here.
I am no longer a SAHM....I am now a working mom....this is the main reason I haven't posted in a long time. My little "monster" will be turning the big 2 in just a few short weeks. My where has the time gone? It's a bittersweet thing to look back at his baby photos now. I know he's not that old but, I'm 32 and not getting any younger...baby fever has struck me again. However the husband says...and I quote: "NO".
No....not exactly what I want to hear but, I guess in a way he's right in the fact that babies are expensive and we are just getting to the stage where our son is becoming a little less expensive. Potty Training here we come! Please if anyone is out there leave me a comment about what you would like me to post about. I'm always up for a good topic of conversation! Stay tuned for more!
Footprints in the Sandbox
Here I will share crafts, recipes, games and all the things I'm learning along the way.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Nutella & Coconut Bread Pudding recipe.
My husband just loves coconut, pineapple cake so, when I made him one a couple weeks ago I ended up with a lot of leftover coconut shavings. So, what do you do with coconut shavings? The simple macroon comes to mind. Nah....too predictable. Time to raid the pantry.
One day old loaf of Parisian bread, a jar of Nutella, some sweetened coconut shreds....hmmmm.....
Nutella & Coconut Bread Pudding:
What you will need:
1 loaf of bread (any kind you have, can even be sandwich bread) enough to make about 4 cups bread chunks
2 eggs
1 tblsp butter to grease baking dish ( or cooking spray works just as well)
1 can *unsweetened coconut milk (sweetened if you like very sweet desserts)
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp nutmeg (optional)
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
Nutella spread for bread chunks.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease casserole dish, I used a round dish but, any casserole type dish will work. Slice bread into slices, spread on a layer of Nutella (as much as you would like, just remember this adds to the sweetness of the dish). Cut or tear into chunks and place in casserole dish. If you really enjoy a lot of coconut you can sprinkle some in with the bread cubes now. In large bowl combine remaining ingredients except coconut shreds. until smooth consistency.
Pour liquid over bread chunks (I smoosh them down a bit to help absorb the liquid) Bake uncovered for 40 minutes. You can either toast your coconut shreds or leave plain and sprinkle on top. Bread pudding is typically served warm and is good with vanilla icecream.
Bread pudding is so easy and a great quick recipe for anyone. I grew up eating English bread pudding my grandmother would make. Its so easy to add your favorite ingredients to change the flavor. I recommend experimenting with ingredients you like. Enjoy!
One day old loaf of Parisian bread, a jar of Nutella, some sweetened coconut shreds....hmmmm.....
Nutella & Coconut Bread Pudding:
What you will need:
1 loaf of bread (any kind you have, can even be sandwich bread) enough to make about 4 cups bread chunks
2 eggs
1 can *unsweetened coconut milk (sweetened if you like very sweet desserts)
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp nutmeg (optional)
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
Nutella spread for bread chunks.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease casserole dish, I used a round dish but, any casserole type dish will work. Slice bread into slices, spread on a layer of Nutella (as much as you would like, just remember this adds to the sweetness of the dish). Cut or tear into chunks and place in casserole dish. If you really enjoy a lot of coconut you can sprinkle some in with the bread cubes now. In large bowl combine remaining ingredients except coconut shreds. until smooth consistency.
Pour liquid over bread chunks (I smoosh them down a bit to help absorb the liquid) Bake uncovered for 40 minutes. You can either toast your coconut shreds or leave plain and sprinkle on top. Bread pudding is typically served warm and is good with vanilla icecream.
Bread pudding is so easy and a great quick recipe for anyone. I grew up eating English bread pudding my grandmother would make. Its so easy to add your favorite ingredients to change the flavor. I recommend experimenting with ingredients you like. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The word "no"....
How do you handle an eleven month old's temper tantrums? HA! If you run across an answer please do share with this about to pull her hair out mama. As the monster grows more and more of his personality has taken shape. He is a sweet little boy who loves to cuddle with mama on the couch and watch "Blues Clues" before nap time. He is a silly baby who likes to flip the pages back and forth in every book that he sees. He is goofy, cute and adoring.
Wait.....then there is the flip side of this sweet little boy's personality. He is a tantrum throwing, screaming at the top of his lungs, biting little monster. Who knew that a simple two letter word could provoke such a response? The scenario begins like this. I corral the monster in the living room after cleaning his lunch out of his eyes, nose, ears and hair. I turn on cartoons to entertain him while I go back and wipe up the remainders of grilled cheese from the kitchen floor.
*bump* *bang* *tap* *bang*..............................................
I peak into the living room to find monster standing on the tv stand wiping his fingers all over the television screen.
"No-No." (said in a very loving manner)
*The look, while still smearing dirty hands on tv*
"J_ Noooooo." (said in a slightly less loving manner)
*tap-tap-tap on the screen*
"NO!" (Not really too loving)
*Scream, yell, squeal* (all as he lets go and plops on the floor)
Then came what I hadn't expected............
*Crawling really fast over and biting mommy's hand*
"Oh no-no J_, No biting."
*More crying, screaming and leg kicking*
So, how do you deal with an eleven month old's bad temper? Still not sure but, the cartoons are off and he is in his bed.
Wait.....then there is the flip side of this sweet little boy's personality. He is a tantrum throwing, screaming at the top of his lungs, biting little monster. Who knew that a simple two letter word could provoke such a response? The scenario begins like this. I corral the monster in the living room after cleaning his lunch out of his eyes, nose, ears and hair. I turn on cartoons to entertain him while I go back and wipe up the remainders of grilled cheese from the kitchen floor.
*bump* *bang* *tap* *bang*..............................................
I peak into the living room to find monster standing on the tv stand wiping his fingers all over the television screen.
"No-No." (said in a very loving manner)
*The look, while still smearing dirty hands on tv*
"J_ Noooooo." (said in a slightly less loving manner)
*tap-tap-tap on the screen*
"NO!" (Not really too loving)
*Scream, yell, squeal* (all as he lets go and plops on the floor)
Then came what I hadn't expected............
*Crawling really fast over and biting mommy's hand*
"Oh no-no J_, No biting."
*More crying, screaming and leg kicking*
So, how do you deal with an eleven month old's bad temper? Still not sure but, the cartoons are off and he is in his bed.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Roasted Sweet Potatoes with apples and peaches
Preheat oven to 400
Wash and peel (if baby cannot chew skins) sweet potatoes, apples and peaches. core apples and remove pits from peaches. Slice potatoes and fruits into strips. Toss together in large bowl with olive oil, cinnamon and tiny bit brown sugar. (sugars and spice can be omitted if desired)
Spread mixture onto baking sheet, in one layer. Drizzle with a little more olive oil and spread around with your hands. (This helps from sticking) Bake about 20-30 minutes.
Allow to cool.
You can serve now as finger food if your child is at that stage. You can put all ingredients into a blender or food processor and pulse until the right consistancy for your baby, adding water as necessary. I then spoon into ice cube trays, cover and freeze. When solid I remove cubes from tray and put into small freezer bags that I can label. Most home made baby foods are good for about 3 months in the freezer. So make sure you date your cubes. 1 cube is 1 serving. Although my son usually eats about 2 cubes. (Hes a good eater.)
Wash and peel (if baby cannot chew skins) sweet potatoes, apples and peaches. core apples and remove pits from peaches. Slice potatoes and fruits into strips. Toss together in large bowl with olive oil, cinnamon and tiny bit brown sugar. (sugars and spice can be omitted if desired)
Spread mixture onto baking sheet, in one layer. Drizzle with a little more olive oil and spread around with your hands. (This helps from sticking) Bake about 20-30 minutes.
Allow to cool.
You can serve now as finger food if your child is at that stage. You can put all ingredients into a blender or food processor and pulse until the right consistancy for your baby, adding water as necessary. I then spoon into ice cube trays, cover and freeze. When solid I remove cubes from tray and put into small freezer bags that I can label. Most home made baby foods are good for about 3 months in the freezer. So make sure you date your cubes. 1 cube is 1 serving. Although my son usually eats about 2 cubes. (Hes a good eater.)
Friday, March 30, 2012
Over ambitious?! Maybe a little
So, as anyone may see when they run across this blog...I am in the process of updating it and it's definately a work in progress. Not a lot of time with a 10 month old getting into everything he sees as soon as my butt hits the chair! I'm also thinking about starting a new blog and attaching it to this one about our baby food making. With recipes, do's and dont's, and our trials and tribulations. Not sure when this will happen or what I'm really thinking doing that...see above statement about 10 month old terror. Eventually I know I will get this all worked out the way I would like but, until then I just ask people to bear with me and I promise this will be a nice blog...at some point. I am also thinking about starting a facebook page to mirror this blog. All this and running a business?! WTF am I thinking?
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Some people.
Why is it that some other mothers feel the need to tell you how to parent your children?
I am all for asking for help and asking for others opinions. This is not what I mean though. I enjoy researching things about babies and parenthood in general. I like to go onto the discussion boards especially and read about what other mothers are concerned about and talking about. I have run across this problem myself when asking for opinions but, more so when just reading through others posts. There seems to be several types of mothers (and fathers) out there but, the one I'm talking about is the "This is how I do it so it's the only way that's right." This type of person seems to feel that if you are not doing things the way they would then you are in "fact" doing it wrong. I know someone who has this type of personality and we indeed clash quite often.
Here is an example: A new mother had posted a question asking what types of juice she could give her 9 month old. The first few people either said to give a diluted type and some of them said that there was no need yet but, were in no way rude about it. Then there was one poster who told the woman that giving her child juice was a disgusting choice because it would rot her baby's teeth and they would fall out. Seriously!?
The woman then rebuted stating that her pedi told her that it was okay to give juice and she was just looking for options as to what type. In response the same poster said that she needed to get a new pediatrician and that her doctor was "wack." LOL! That giving a child juice and even solids was stupid to do until they are ready. Again the woman came back and said that her child had been on solids since 6 months, that it was going just fine and that she didn't see any reason it was such a horrible idea to give juice to her baby. It was then stated that a child shouldn't get juice because it will make them fat and lazy, that her child hadn't even really eaten solids until 13 months because they would gag on it.
This is exactly what I am talking about. Why do some people feel the need to push their opinions on others. They are just that OPINIONS! Half the time these types of people tend to give their opinions whether they were asked or not. I cannot stand this and it amazes me everytime how rude some people can be when it comes to other peoples children. You are being asked for your opinion, not being asked to push your beliefs and be rude. I feel for some of the younger mothers out there that have to endure this all the time.
My advice to any new mom or mom-to-be....ask for advice, listen to it, take it all with a grain of salt and do what feels right to you. In the end of it all that is truely all that matters.
I am all for asking for help and asking for others opinions. This is not what I mean though. I enjoy researching things about babies and parenthood in general. I like to go onto the discussion boards especially and read about what other mothers are concerned about and talking about. I have run across this problem myself when asking for opinions but, more so when just reading through others posts. There seems to be several types of mothers (and fathers) out there but, the one I'm talking about is the "This is how I do it so it's the only way that's right." This type of person seems to feel that if you are not doing things the way they would then you are in "fact" doing it wrong. I know someone who has this type of personality and we indeed clash quite often.
Here is an example: A new mother had posted a question asking what types of juice she could give her 9 month old. The first few people either said to give a diluted type and some of them said that there was no need yet but, were in no way rude about it. Then there was one poster who told the woman that giving her child juice was a disgusting choice because it would rot her baby's teeth and they would fall out. Seriously!?
The woman then rebuted stating that her pedi told her that it was okay to give juice and she was just looking for options as to what type. In response the same poster said that she needed to get a new pediatrician and that her doctor was "wack." LOL! That giving a child juice and even solids was stupid to do until they are ready. Again the woman came back and said that her child had been on solids since 6 months, that it was going just fine and that she didn't see any reason it was such a horrible idea to give juice to her baby. It was then stated that a child shouldn't get juice because it will make them fat and lazy, that her child hadn't even really eaten solids until 13 months because they would gag on it.
This is exactly what I am talking about. Why do some people feel the need to push their opinions on others. They are just that OPINIONS! Half the time these types of people tend to give their opinions whether they were asked or not. I cannot stand this and it amazes me everytime how rude some people can be when it comes to other peoples children. You are being asked for your opinion, not being asked to push your beliefs and be rude. I feel for some of the younger mothers out there that have to endure this all the time.
My advice to any new mom or mom-to-be....ask for advice, listen to it, take it all with a grain of salt and do what feels right to you. In the end of it all that is truely all that matters.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The grass is a little brown on the other side....
Since my son was born in June last year he was too little to "play" outside. Here the weather has been warming up and feeling more and more like spring. Today I decide to take the monster out to play in the yard for the first time...
First off we just moved due to some very unfortunate circumstances and basically our own stupidity for believing a large coorporate bank would want to help us...even though they said they would. A very unfortunate event indeed but, I digress...and this is a story for a later date.
Our "yard" is shared by us and a house that is in front of ours. This yard has a concrete path that runs directly through the middle of it, reducing it's postage stamp size to well...half. There are also about 5 large rose bushes randomly placed throughout the yard with little white wire fences around them. So, I take my monster outside to "play"....I set him down in the grass and he starts playing with the weeds and such. Pulling and grabbing. Then I happen to focus a little better on the ground. Cigarette butts....everywhere.....UGH!!! I grab up the monster and proceed to try and kick them with my feet into a pile to be swept up later. Hundreds of cigarette butts! Whoever had lived here before had a serious problem. Now I'm not trying to be a hypocrite by any means. I used to smoke cigarettes and did until the day I learned I was pregnant. I have not smoked since and am very proud of this. I however would place my butts in an ashtray and not just fling them into the yard. My husband still smokes, much to my dismay but, he smokes outside away from our son and puts the butts in an ashtray that we set out for that purpose. Well...I am off on a rant now....back to the topic. When we first looked at this rental property we were told so many things would be done before we moved in. Including that the yard would be raked of all cigarette butts. This along with everthing else was a lie. So, I am making the best out of a bad situation and trying my best to find somewhere that is suitable for a family. Terrible...I don't expect much just a little honesty and cleanliness.
First off we just moved due to some very unfortunate circumstances and basically our own stupidity for believing a large coorporate bank would want to help us...even though they said they would. A very unfortunate event indeed but, I digress...and this is a story for a later date.
Our "yard" is shared by us and a house that is in front of ours. This yard has a concrete path that runs directly through the middle of it, reducing it's postage stamp size to well...half. There are also about 5 large rose bushes randomly placed throughout the yard with little white wire fences around them. So, I take my monster outside to "play"....I set him down in the grass and he starts playing with the weeds and such. Pulling and grabbing. Then I happen to focus a little better on the ground. Cigarette butts....everywhere.....UGH!!! I grab up the monster and proceed to try and kick them with my feet into a pile to be swept up later. Hundreds of cigarette butts! Whoever had lived here before had a serious problem. Now I'm not trying to be a hypocrite by any means. I used to smoke cigarettes and did until the day I learned I was pregnant. I have not smoked since and am very proud of this. I however would place my butts in an ashtray and not just fling them into the yard. My husband still smokes, much to my dismay but, he smokes outside away from our son and puts the butts in an ashtray that we set out for that purpose. Well...I am off on a rant now....back to the topic. When we first looked at this rental property we were told so many things would be done before we moved in. Including that the yard would be raked of all cigarette butts. This along with everthing else was a lie. So, I am making the best out of a bad situation and trying my best to find somewhere that is suitable for a family. Terrible...I don't expect much just a little honesty and cleanliness.
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