One day old loaf of Parisian bread, a jar of Nutella, some sweetened coconut shreds....hmmmm.....
Nutella & Coconut Bread Pudding:
What you will need:
1 loaf of bread (any kind you have, can even be sandwich bread) enough to make about 4 cups bread chunks
2 eggs
1 can *unsweetened coconut milk (sweetened if you like very sweet desserts)
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp nutmeg (optional)
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
Nutella spread for bread chunks.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease casserole dish, I used a round dish but, any casserole type dish will work. Slice bread into slices, spread on a layer of Nutella (as much as you would like, just remember this adds to the sweetness of the dish). Cut or tear into chunks and place in casserole dish. If you really enjoy a lot of coconut you can sprinkle some in with the bread cubes now. In large bowl combine remaining ingredients except coconut shreds. until smooth consistency.
Pour liquid over bread chunks (I smoosh them down a bit to help absorb the liquid) Bake uncovered for 40 minutes. You can either toast your coconut shreds or leave plain and sprinkle on top. Bread pudding is typically served warm and is good with vanilla icecream.
Bread pudding is so easy and a great quick recipe for anyone. I grew up eating English bread pudding my grandmother would make. Its so easy to add your favorite ingredients to change the flavor. I recommend experimenting with ingredients you like. Enjoy!